June 12, 2010

Haul: Forever 21

We don't have Forever 21 in my home town, so I ordered some items online.
I think this is second time to order but It always amazes me how cheap their clothes are.
The quality is not fabulous but it is good for one season or so. coz I don't want to pay a lot of money for trendy stuff.
I really hope it comes to our town soon.

私の近所にはForever 21がまだないので、ネットで注文をしました。

June 10, 2010

MAC: To The Beach collection トゥザビーチ コレクション

This is my first post! I would like to start with MAC stuff.
I only got this "Marine Life" from this collection. I thought I couldn't get it but when I went to the MAC counter in the afternoon of the released day, they still had it. So I had to get it :)
I even haven't swatched it coz this is so beautiful!

私の初めてのBlog投稿です〜 :)
今回のコレクションからはマリーン ライフのみを購入しました。最初はすぐ売り切れるだろうなと思ってましたが、発売日の午後に近くのMACにフツーにあったので買ってしまいました。